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However you do it, rediscover your peace of mind and live a life less serious
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Article in Metamorphosis Magazine
Free annual subscription to Metamorphosis Magazine - June issue features article and sound recording on ‘What it means to life a life Less Serious’.
Unshamedly Human Podcast
With Jacquie Forde and George Halfin
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For videos about what it means to live a life less serious.
Remap - George Halfin
A video conversation about the making of the book and more insights into the ideas and women that contributed.
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Thinking Like Woman
A recording of George Halfin speaking about the writing of the book as a lifeline during Covid and what she learnt from the experience
What people are saying
‘Read one or two stories from A Life Less Serious and you might be able to dismiss the women essayists as out to lunch or as unlike you. Read all of them and it’s hard not to take them as – well, onto something! '
— Linda Sandel Pettit EdD, author and inspiratrix to healers.