Get to Know Our Contributors
Jan Armstrong - Your Own Picture
Jan lives in Suffolk and shares her life with her two adult children and two grandchildren. She has self-published two books of poetry and a small travelogue about Greece. Her writing reflects the influence of the work of the late Sydney Banks upon her. She considers life to be a gift from which we are able to create anything we choose; everything we need is already within us and our task is to trust and allow ourselves and others to find and follow our own path towards personal and planetary health.
Ivalo A Arnfjord - Taking the Self-Help Universe Seriously
Ivalo lives in Greenland with her husband Steven and their two children. She has a Master of Arts in education and is a PhD student specialising in play. In 2018 she created a Greenlandic Three Principles Facebook group with her friends; it now has more than 3,500 members. After training with Mette Louise Holland from 3P Institutte Denmark, she now coaches and gives courses about The Three Principles. She is passionate about early childhood education and care and people accessing their innate health via The Three Principles.
Liliana Bellini - The Old Cashmere Shawl
Liliana is an experienced Three Principles facilitator who has touched many lives with the depth and love she brings in her teachings. From CEOs, prisoners and housewives to the homeless and teenagers on the edge of crime, Liliana has helped all kinds of people discover their innate potential to lead fulfilling and happy lives. She is co-founder and co-director of The Big Simple, a new social enterprise dedicated to helping young adults who are going through the care system. Before her work in The Three Principles, Liliana worked for fifteen years in the field of complementary medicine. She is married and has four grown-up children.
Carol Boroughs - A Message of Hope
Carol is a Three Principles facilitator and mentor working in the field of personal transformation. Carol guides people as they wake up to their true nature and signposts the way to a deep sense of inner peace and wellbeing. When someone uncovers this deep sense of wellbeing, their lives begin to transform. Carol shares The Three Principles with a diverse range of people of all ages and backgrounds around the world and offers mentoring to people at all stages on the spiritual path. Her work is deeply rooted in the knowledge that The Three Principles provide a unique and powerful understanding of our true nature which can help us uncover our unlimited potential for peace of mind, compassion and love.
Julieanne Chazotte - Our True Nature Transforms the Status Quo
Julieanne is a life and business coach who guides and supports individuals and businesses to navigate life with greater ease. She points people away from the habits that create stress, pressure and sometimes burnout and towards what naturally allows them to access better-quality thinking, creativity and momentum. She is also a co-founder of SimpleSHIFT, a platform based on The Three Principles understanding, whose mission it is to help people create more health, wellbeing and ease across all areas of life and the way we do business. With master’s degrees in education and in spiritual psychology, Julieanne brings over eighteen years of experience in the field of education and coaching to each person, project and company she works with.
Amy Chen Mills-Naim - Is The Climate Crisis 'Serious'?
Ami is a former investigative journalist and current essayist, global speaker, author, coach, teacher, and podcast and radio show host. She is also a wife and mother of two, based in Northern California. In 2019, she helped found her local Extinction Rebellion (XR) chapter, was one of the organisers of the massive climate strike that year and served in the Regenerative Cultures Working Group for XR Global Support. For the last five years, she has dedicated herself to bringing the ‘spiritual’, ‘political’ and ecological worlds together. She is currently writing a book on this subject.
Kate Dalgleish - Learning to Live Beyond the Story
Kate lives in Somerset with her husband and their three teenage children. Kate came across The Three Principles and the teachings of Sydney Banks and experienced a huge shift and transformation in her own life. Feeling the truth and magnitude of this message, she now works sharing this understanding in the hope of bringing more joy to those who listen and hear within.
Angela Dawson - The Small Shaft of Light
Angela is a Bristol-based flash memoir writer and postmenopausal married mother of three. She wild writes with intimate circles of midlife women. In this tender space they listen, write, speak their naked truths and bear witness. Together they reawaken, liberate and reclaim their instinctual soul voices.
Tanya Elfersy - Guided
Tania is a transformative coach and award-winning author, specialising in midlife women’s health. She has spent years researching what causes and what can relieve the emotional and physical symptoms associated with perimenopause and menopause. She became free of her own range of symptoms, naturally and simply, through insight alone. Tania set up The Wiser Woman project in 2015 to help women transform their experience of midlife change. Through her coaching, writing and teaching, Tania focuses on connecting women to the innate brilliance of their bodies, having seen that healing occurs with ease when we relax into the divine intelligence within. Her clients have witnessed their symptoms disappear and the unfolding of a greater sense of wellbeing, all without having to ‘fix’ their hormones or change their lifestyle.
Jenny Elleray - The Upside of Struggle
With over fifteen years dedicated to teaching and studying The Three Principles around the world, Jen has developed her own unique voice for sharing this one simple truth. Her clear and heartfelt teaching resonates with her audience, whether at a large conference, in a small group or individually. Her own transformation, moving beyond shyness, depression and eating disorders, continues to inspire her to point others to what can happen when they see the true nature of themselves and life. ‘No matter where it is in the world, no matter what the external conditions people are living in, these universal truths or principles speak to human beings enabling them to wake up to how life really works. I am passionate to be able to share in whatever way I can, and help others to do so too.’
Karen Evanoff - Identity, Earth and Flowers
Karen, from rural Alaska, is of Dena’ina Athabascan descent. With a life experience growing up in nature and academic degrees in counseling and cultural anthropology, her work revolves around documentation, preservation and revitalization of ancient Indigenous practices and earth-based values. From a holistic approach, she specializes in educational project and programme development. She recently started a new business that offers rural Alaskan retreats and land-based activities including hiking, kayaking and renewing natural world connections. She fully believes that the bridge between humans and earth is a vital part of transformative health and wellbeing for all.
Lara Fares - From Fear to Lightness
Lara was born in Lebanon, grew up in France and has been living in London since 1998. As a mother of four, her own spiritual journey has been deeply rooted in family life, giving her a deep passion for helping others, particularly young people, to live their best lives. Over the years she has studied with many of the world’s leading spiritual teachers and forged her own path towards spiritual understanding and evolution. Lara describes her true calling as helping people to remember that they are worthy and special, offering hope to those who have lost their way. She hosts various private spiritual and personal development groups bringing together teachers from around the world to share with people from all walks of life.
Juliet Fay - The Gift of Travel
Juliet is a poet and facilitator working with organisations and individuals interested in accessing more wellbeing, clarity, creativity and joy in life and work. She offers training workshops, facilitates gatherings, and creates poetry, illustration, artwork and prose to stir the heart.
Jacquie Forde - We All Play Dress-up
Jacquie is a gifted teacher, coach and intuitive based in Scotland with a thriving global practice. She brings a spirited personality and vivacious, humorous attitude to her work as a coach and mentor. Jacquie is passionate about sharing her knowledge and allowing her clients the space to embrace their own innate wisdom to tap into their highest potential to build their businesses and improve their lives.
Christine Friend - The Story of Me
Christine has spent the last fifteen years helping her clients to reduce anxiety and create a life and relationships they love. She is naturally drawn to helping young people and parents who are struggling and is a lead facilitator with iHeart, teaching 10 to 21-year-olds emotional resilience in schools and universities. She works online and in person with clients from all over the world coaching, mentoring and public speaking. ‘I love to show people the simple secrets to having less on their minds; and revealing what is currently invisible to them – but available to everyone that wants more fun, play and ease in their lives.’
Farah Halabi - Binning My 'Best Mum' Policy
Farah is a Transformational Life Coach who helps her stressed-out, overwhelmed and overstretched clients uncover their innate awesomeness and God-given gifts to lead a life of insightful wisdom and peace. Farah is certified in the Science of the Nafs Psychology which is the Quranic science of the self. She serves professional Muslim women and supports them to overcome the challenges that prevent them from being the Muslimah* they want to be, and guides them to create the life they want, to live a life they love.
George Halfin - The Power of Unlearning
George is an Innate Health coach, project manager at a national UK charity and mum of two. With Farah Halabi she is co-chair of Nisa- Nashim Essence (part of Nisa-Nashim – a national network which brings Jewish and Muslim women together across the UK to inspire and lead social change) and runs wellbeing sessions for their members. She is an Associate of Unstoppable!, a Three Principles career and coaching business, as well as author of the blog ‘Confessions of an Overthinker’ and contributor to the book, From the Heart: Explorations in True Nature and Unconditional Love. She is passionate about supporting people to see beyond their preconceived limitations for themselves and the good of society.
Christine Heath - Making Peace With Uncertainty
Christine is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Master Addictions Counselor. Her passion is helping people to realise that they are able to recover their health after any trauma or mental distress. She was personally mentored by Sydney Banks for more than twenty-five years and has more than forty years of experience providing Three Principles based therapy, supervision and training. She is a founding member of The Three Principles Global Community. She works internationally providing training, consultancy and coaching to anyone that wants to awaken to the power of this understanding. Christine has been the Executive Director of the Hawaii Counseling and Education Center since 1985. It is the longest operating Principles-based mental health and outpatient addiction programme in the world. Christine is co-author of The Secret of Love: Unlock the Mystery, Unleash the Magic and currently co-hosts a podcast, ‘Psychology Has it Backwards’, with Judy Sedgeman.
Elaine Hilides - The Light Side of Cancer
Elaine is a Three Principles trainer and coach, a number one Amazon author, and international speaker and online course creator. Elaine was introduced to this paradigm in 2009 and promptly jettisoned everything she had trained in before then, including NLP, TFT and hypnotherapy. She also tells terrible jokes. Elaine works in many different fields including addiction, weight loss and mental health, and is passionate about them all. ‘Why should I niche,’ she says, ‘when everything is underpinned by thought?’
Elizabeth Lovius - A Life Less Serious, A Poem
Elizabeth is a changemaker: a board-level leadership coach and mentor, social entrepreneur, author and poet who supports leaders to access their own wisdom, liberating their purpose, potential and performance. Elizabeth has worked with over 10,000 people in all business sectors and is particularly passionate about women leaders living a heart and soul-led life, listening to their innate wisdom and challenging the business world to change the game and balance their focus on profit with attending to people and the planet. In 2011, she came across an inner game-changing understanding – which transformed her own life, her work and her vision for the world. Since then, she writes, teaches, podcasts and runs workshops on living and leading from your Inner Core and is often inspired for the joy of it to write poetry that speaks beyond the intellect to our heart and soul.
Susan Marmot - Finding Flow in Relationships
Susan works with people from a wide variety of sectors. She is the co-founder and co-director of a social enterprise called The Big Simple (CIC) which works with young disadvantaged adults, especially those exiting the care system. She is also a facilitator on The Slice of Happiness programmes, sharing The Three Principles with those dealing with mental health issues, and helping people in prison discover who they are and who they can be when they are not caught up in their usual thinking. Previously Susan has been a trainer of practitioners on the faculty of the One Thought foundations programme. She also specialises in working with couples to help them have happier, more contented relationships.
Sarah McAreavey - Why Getting Stressed About an Imaginary Future is not a Good Use of our Mental Resources
Sarah is a transformational coach. She runs a busy practice sharing her years of knowledge gained from extensive training in health and nutrition, and the psychology of health and wellbeing. Sarah’s particular interest has always been focused on the mind–body connection, recognising the importance of how we create our experience from our state of mind and how this affects the body’s physiology. This groundbreaking approach helps her clients declutter and quieten their minds to tap into their own powerful intuition and healing, whilst pointing them towards greater peace of mind and wellbeing in all areas of their lives.
Sue Pankiewicz - Coming Home to Joy and Peace
After years of self-help attempts searching for answers whilst overthinking her life and relationships, Sue discovered the work of Sydney Banks in 2005. This led to year-long facilitator training with Dr Roger Mills and several opportunities to learn from Mr Banks in person. Learning about the principles behind the ‘human operating system’ revealed that the only thing that had ever stood between Sue and her longed-for life was wonderfully simple. Best of all was naturally rediscovering fun, light-heartedness and freedom. For the past sixteen years Sue has shared this understanding widely in diverse settings including teaching and mentoring individuals and groups, hosting home-based retreats, and introducing The Three Principles in schools to pupils and staff. Along with her business partner and friend Sheela Masand she launched The Viva Event in 2015, an annual, much-loved, international event held in Spain.
Linda Ramus - My Story is Pretty Ordinary
‘We are all students, we are all teachers.’ Operating from this paradigm for over twenty years, Linda, as both a student and facilitator of The Three Principles based services, has experienced the mystery and magic of sharing this understanding with an amazing diversity of individuals from at-risk communities to the human services professionals who served them. Upon retiring from Santa Clara County in 2012, she founded Transformative Research and Consulting with the goal of providing evaluation and research support for Principles-based programmes. Not willing to let this be an abstraction, until the pandemic, she continued to facilitate and learn from weekly classes where she never ceased to be amazed and humbled by the magic of a simple insight. Based in Fremont, California, you will also find her lugging her backpack up and down wilderness trails and on caminos in Spain.
Janet Ryhnie - Wow! We Got Divorced
Janet is a woman with an infectious laugh, a passion for life and stepping outside the box. She lives her own mission statement to educate, elevate and liberate her mind to live a life yet imagined and her life and work as a coach and part-time probation officer inspires others to do the same. Having spent more than twenty-five years in the field of personal development and behavioural change, she knows the experiences she has had in her life are here to assist others. That is why her programme, Rediscover You After Divorce, was born out of her own self-rediscovery journey after divorce.
Lucy Sheffield - From Piss Artist to Abstract Artist...
Lucy is a magical writing coach, children’s fantasy author and intuitive abstract artist. She has published two books, co-written two books and helped others to publish their work. On a day-to-day basis, Lucy helps female professionals go from being under-confident writers to published authors, step by step via her eight-month programme, helping them to find their own unique voice and share this with the world. Lucy has always had a passion for creativity. She expresses this through her love of writing and art. Lucy helps female professionals to find their own unique voice and share their message with the world through writing their book. In her spare time she loves to express through her art work.
Deborah Simmons - Finding Peace in Impossible Circumstances
Debra is a Wisdom teacher, relationship expert and a lover of the magic of money. She has written two books and runs a successful business called Dare2bu. Right now, Debra is on a mission to help 1,000 courageous women find financial freedom and a mind that supports them to enjoy it. Debra has always had a passion for walking her talk and living the wisdom and magic she shares with others. She loves to help the people she works with find their own unique gifts and live a great life from ease, love and peace. ‘We all crave the knowing of ourselves. Yet we often lack the courage and daring to look past what we think we know to find the magic that lies dormant inside. Once awakened we can never go back and life becomes a true adventure, with all the thrills and spills of a great story unfolding with passion and brilliance. Yet our hearts are full and overflow with love, gratitude and the truth of who we are.’
Bronwen Warner - My Bumpy, Lumpy and Beautiful Human Experience
Bronwen is a perfectly imperfect human mum of two daughters, aspiring writer, children’s physiotherapist and mental health practitioner whose practice is based on The Three Principles philosophy. She is passionate about supporting women and children to create lives that make their heart sing, no matter what has happened before or what happens next. Bron considers herself a fellow life explorer and loving cheerleader embarking with people on a magical, transformative journey back to who we really are.